After researching the Sri Lankan sewing industry, we could identify the top 10 sewing Sinhala YouTube Channels. They are free and easy to understand with simple explanations. These channels are best for learning sewing from beginner to advanced, explaining in the Sinhala language. It is easy to understand for Sri Lankan people interested in sewing.
1.Motherboard with ishu

- 239K subscribers
- 320 videos
Easy Sinhala explanation with sewing tricks and tips.
Main video category
- sewing for beginners (10 videos)
- sewing machine-related videos
- Frock designs (48 videos)
- sari jacks designing(3 videos)
- dressmaking course(130 videos)
- Crochet (18 videos)
2.Mahum Piyasa
235K subscribers
276 videos

Main video category
- bag making(22 videos)
- frocks(36 videos)
- blouses(10 videos)
- underwears(13 videos)
- Bras(6 videos)
- skirts(16 videos)
- Trousers(11 videos)
- kids wears(7bvideos)
- sewing tips and tricks(34 videos)
3.Nimas Creations

- 153K subscribers
- 275 videos
main video category
- Beginners Sewing Course(3 videos)
- sewing machine reviews(10 videos)
- DIY dress tutorial(30 videos)
- dressmaking course(36 videos)
- bag making(18 videos)
simple explanations
4. Sl Art Academy

- 111K subscribers
- 211 videos
Main video category
- Stitches in hand embroidery(8 videos)
- dressmaking(144 videos)
- quilling flowers(7 videos)
5.Payana’s measure

77.1K subscribers
158 videos
6. Lanka Layani

39.1K subscribers
95 videos
Main video category
- kids frock
- size charts
- saree jacket(6 videos)
- frock(22 videos)
- skirt (17videos)
- sleeves(4 videos)
7. 3SHA’S Fashion Academy

31.3K subscribers
125 videos
8. Mahum with Nissansala

18.7K subscribers
66 videos
Main video category
sewing for beginners(3 videos)
sewing class(52 videos)

7.91K subscribers
72 videos
10.Learn It Do It

5.6K subscribers
194 videos
Fast-growing sewing YouTube channel in Sinhala 2023
Mahum Potha

This YouTube channel could earn more subscribers within a few days of starting. It is a great sign of a growing YouTube channel.
Pattern book selling through Facebook page
- Video learning
- simple explanations
- simple explanation with photos
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