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Notify party in Shipping documents: Everything you need to know

notify party

Some shipping documents mention notify party details other than supplier and consignee details. Here, we are going to identify the importance of the notify party and the meaning of the notify party.

What are the parties mentioned in the shipping documents

  • consignor
  • carrier
  • consignee-making payments to the seller for purchasing goods
  • notify party

According to a contract of sales or contract of carriage(contract of transport goods to the buyer)

What is a notify party?

In general, the consignee and notify party are the same. But in some cases notify party is different from the consignee due to the sales and transport contracts.

What is the definition of the notify party?

in the shipping industry, the notify party is the person or company who needs to inform the shipment arrival details to handle the cargo. Notifying party is included in a bill of lading.

What is the purpose of mentioning the notify party?

The main purpose is to ensure that someone other than the primary consignee or shipper is informed about the shipment’s arrival details and status of the shipment.

This is very important due to various reasons, such as providing advance notice to a local agent or representative who can handle customs clearance, distribution, or other logistics in the destination country.

Examples of notify party or who can be notify party

How to inform the arrival details of the shipment to notify the party?

Shipping lines send arrival notices to notify the party or consignee to inform ETA details via email sending a msg to a phone or informing over the phone.

What shipping documents you can see notify the party in the shipping

bill of lading

Shipper’s letter for instruction

Freight Forwarder’s Cargo Receipt

Shipment arrival notices

Where you can see the notify party mentioned in the documents

Bill of ladings

Notify party in bill of lading
Notify party in the bill of lading: Sourced by incodocs.com

Shipment arrival notices

Notify party in Shipping instruction letter
Notify party in the Shipping instruction letter

Freight Forwarder’s Cargo Receipt

Can add more than one notify party in a Bill of lading?

Yes, most countries allow mentioning more than one notify party in a bill of lading. Due to reduced delays in the clearance process at the port.

If the notify party is different from the consignee ETA informed notify party. The shipper is responsible for informing notify party’s accurate details for the carrier’s office.

In conclusion, the Notify Party in shipping documents is a designated recipient of notifications and information related to the shipment’s progress and delivery. It plays an important role in the smooth operation of logistics and supply chain activities, guaranteeing that pertinent parties stay updated and can react promptly when the need arises.

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