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What is GRN? Goods received Note

GRN- Goods Received Note

GRN stands for Goods Received Note. This is an important document in supply chain management, warehouse, and inventory control management.

What is GRN?

GRN stands for Goods Received Note. Also known as Goods Receipt Note.

It is a record of a document that shows goods received from a supplier. And it is a proof document regarding goods receiving. Generally, GRN is mentioned in detail related to goods receiving. Such as a product description, quantity, quality, and other related important details.

It is a very important document in warehouse and inventory management to facilitate tracking stock levels while reconciling with purchase orders. Although GRN is an important document used in several departments in the company such as procurement, finance or accounting, supply chain management, etc.

Who create GRN?

Warehouse staff in the warehouse department of the company.

Who uses GRN inside the company?

Warehouse or stores

GRN is used for checking to receive goods physically to warehouses or stores. And also they match the details of receiving goods with purchase orders such as quality, quantity, and other important details. The warehouse department creates GRN according to receiving products with mentioning description, quality, quantity, and condition of the products as well as if available damages and discrepancies found in product inspection.

Procurement department or purchasing department.

They use GRN for checking and confirming what they have ordered from suppliers. It is a cross-verification to verify the physically received goods against the purchase order to ensure the accuracy of the order.

Inventory Management department

They are responsible for recording and updating receiving goods details as inventory records. So they use GRN to track and update stock levels.

Finance and Accounting department

This department uses GRN to reconcile received goods with invoices and verify financial transaction accuracy.

Quality control department

To check the quality stand of the products. Check with the purchase order to confirm the right quality of the product received.

Audit and compliance

Check GRN to confirm the company adhering to internal and external policies and regulations.

What details including GRN?

  • GRN number
  • Date of Receipt
  • Supplier name and contact details
  • Purchase order details (reference number of relevant purchase order number and date)
  • Item description
  • Quantity
  • Unit of measurement
  • Condition of goods
  • Quality control details
  • Authorized signatures
  • Comments or notes
  • Warehouse location

Free GRN templates



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